Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lindsay Lohan's Hot Date With Court: Necklace-Gate 2011

Fellow Breakers- This is Lindsay Lohan. She once had a career that you all would have yearned for. Luckily, for those trying to break into the industry, this one isn't keeping you from being cast in any desired roles. I decided to attend Lindsay’s court appearance this morning to find out what happened with this fading “starlet” gone bad. 

Li-Lo, as the media affectionately calls her, was scheduled for an LA Airport Superior Court appearance today to discuss charges and a possible plea deal stemming from a felony grand theft case (necklace-gate 2011.)

Following today's proceedings, Lohan has 2 weeks to fight the charges, or take a plea deal that Superior Court Judge Keith Schwartz offered up this morning. He told Lohan there would be definite jail time her the future if she accepted the deal. "If you plead in front of me, if this case is resolved in front of me, you are going to jail," Schwartz said.

And all for stealing a $2,500 necklace? I say NOT WORTH IT LINDZ! Why not steal a car or maybe even a yacht. In Hollywood, bigger is better.

If Miss Lohan decides not to take the deal, it will cause a hearing where prosecutors would present evidence to another judge. Then, it would ultimately be decided if she should stand a trial. All of this lawyer jargon is great, but what did the media care most about today?

What will Lindsay wear this time?

I have to say, this time around- she did class it up in a pants suit, and some sky-high black heels. But the young actresses fashion sense didn't count for anything in this courtroom. She is still in trouble, and still has to face the judge yet again...

Her next court appearance for this case is set for March 10th.

So to my young, naïve, actor friends, let Lindsay lead by example. Drugs, alcohol, and stealing (the “Hollywood” trifecta) is bad. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Check out some (paparazzi-ish) video I shot earlier today.
Clip 1: The reporters’ gather
Clip 2: Michael Lohan (Lindsay’s father) enters the courthouse
Clip 3: Lindsay enters with mother, Dina
Clip 4: Lindsay leaving court
Clip 5: Portion of a press conference featuring Michael Lohan

Some insight from Joan about LiLo via Twitter...

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